Ed Psych 203 J @ Truman College


Tonight's homework is your rough draft of the Action Research Plan.  Here's the rubric: 

Rubric: Action Research Plan







Missing/                          Very Poor (0 pts)


Introduction of research question/topic 
The student explains what the topic is and why it is important to think about.

The student introduces the topic and gives a clear, brief summary of the problem to be researched.  In addition, the student competently explains why the issue is important. (10 points)

The student introduces the topic and gives a summary of the problem, but may fail to explain why the question is important.  (7.5 points)

The student introduces the topic, but may fail to give a clear summary of the problem or to explain why the question is important. (5 points)

The plan is unfocused, so that the ideas within are difficult to evaluate.

Background                                                                    The student describes the (fictional) student(s), school environment, surrounding community, and other information important to a full understanding of the issue.                          

The student paints a clear picture of the people, institutions, communities, relationships, and events important to the issue.    (20 points)

The student attempts to describe the people, institutions, communities, relationships, and/or events important to the issue, but may neglect to include some important information.                                         (15 points)

The student attempts to describe the people, institutions, communities, relationships, and/or events important to the issue, but neglected to include several important details.                               (10 points)

The plan does not provide sufficient background information, so that the ideas within are difficult to evaluate.


Research                                                                The student researches how others have addressed the problem, through peer-reviewed research and/or teacher testimonials.

The student references three excellent source of information relevant to the issue. (20 points)

The student references 2 excellent sources of information relevant to the issue.  (15 points)

The student references 1 excellent source of information relevant to the issue. (10 points)

The  plan indicates that the student either did not read or did not understand the resources AND did not seek help with the material.


Intervention/Solution / Remedy                                                           The student plans a course of action which is intended to solve or minimize the problem.

The student provides a clear, step-by-step plan of action (intervention) which is clearly connected to the research done and the issue being addressed.  The student explains why the plan is appropriate and what results are expected.  (20 points)

The student provides a step-by-step plan of action (intervention) which is connected to the research done and the issue being addressed, but may be unclear in some places.  The student attempts to explain why the plan is appropriate and what results are expected. (15 points)

The student provided a plan of action (intervention) which is connected to the issue being addressed, but may not connect to the research or may be very unclear.  The student attempts to explain why the plan is appropriate and/or what results are expected. (10 points)

The plan does not address the issue, is unethical or impractical to implement, or is missing entirely.


Triangulated Measurement                                                                         The student plans 2 - 3 ways to measure the effect of the changes, once made.  At least one sample of a measurement tool is included as an appendix to the plan.

The student has chosen 2 - 3 VALID methods of measurement with which he or she will determine how successful the plan has been in addressing the given problem or issue.  At least one sample of a measurement tool is provided as an appendix to the plan (e.g. a survey, a test, an observation form, etc.)  (20 points)

The student has chosen 2 methods of measurement (which may or may not be valid) with which he or she will determine how successful the plan has been in addressing the given problem or issue.  At least one sample of a measurement tool is provided as an appendix to the plan (e.g. a survey, a test, an observation form, etc.)                                                                  (15 points)

The student has chosen 1 method of measurement (which may or may not be valid) with which he or she will determine how successful the plan has been in addressing the given problem or issue.  A sample of the measurement tool is provided as an appendix to the plan (e.g. a survey, a test, an observation form, etc.)                                                         (10 points)

The plan does not include any methods of measurement to determine the success or failure of the intervention.


Readability                                                                       Organization, word choice, grammar, and spelling all allow the reader to understand the student's thoughts easily and clearly.                        

The organization is clear and
coherent, the student clearly spent time carefully choosing his or her words, and there are few grammatical or spelling errors.                                (10 points)

The organization is fairly clear, and the student's word choices are good.  May contain some grammatical or spelling errors, but the ideas are still easy to understand. (7.5 points)

The organization is fair.  The student's word choices are confusing or inappropriate.  Grammatical or spelling errors may cause misunderstanding.                                                          (5 points)

The plan is unclear, so that the ideas within are difficult to evaluate.


Maximum Points: 100